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Published December 8, 2024

Heavyweight Desk Jockey World Champ

Tips for staying strong and active when you're an artist hunched over your desk like a goblin.
The cover for Heavyweight Desk Jockey World champ, in shades of blue and orange, features a person flexing their totally ripped bicep.A desk in front of multiple computer screens, which read, "This is my kingdom. Work, draw, talk to friends, have meetings, play games, scroll, all right here. 12pm to 8pm or 9pm regularly." text: As an artist who works from home full time, I'm at my desk EVERY SINGLE DAY! Yes, weekends included, for hours.Ren's full body, arching in pain. They are also staring with big googly eyes at their phone screen. Text: I was surprised to find it is a taxing, physical job. This way of living can destroy a person. On top of that—being exposed to that much online info, content, and news fills me with paralyzing dread.A series of illustrations showing the following activities, in a grid. Text: So here is what I do... weight lifting, walks, hikes, bike, camp, stretch, drink water, eat protein, lots of protein.A four-panel page. Panel one shows a cute cat paw bapping Ren awake. Text: If I wake up anxious, I go to the gym. Panel two shows Ren from below, lifting a big weight. text: It's easier to focus on work after I get some dopamine. Panel three shows Ren staring at their girlfriend, surrounded by hearts, as the girlfriend cooks in the kitchen and sings a jaunty tune. Text: I go to the gym with my gf, who makes us breakfast every morning so we can lift better. And then they make us protein shakes afterwards! Fourth panel shows Ren sleeping cozily in bed. Text: In bed by 10:30/asleep by midnight. I prioritize sleep so I get bigger muscles. I'm a freelancer. I don't have good health insurance, so I take advantage of my precious flexible hours to care for my one precious body.A page shows a bunch of different weight-lifting moves, with their names. text: here's some of my favorite moves. Deadlifts. Overhead press. Curls (these are kind of boring but what can I saw?). Lat pull downs. And lots of mobility work for my messed up clickity shoulder. It's important to work out your whole body. Knees, hips, back, core, shoulder, wrists, it's all connected!Ren as a teen goth, with long hair, striped socks, and arm warmers. Text: When I was younger, I used to think I was too "goth" "cool" "artsy" to do something so gross as sweat. Being a jock didn't align with my sense of self, but my sense of self also included poor self image and disordered eating so lolRen in her current form, with big muscles, tattoos, a tiny tank top, leggings, and short, gay hair. Text: What started as a vanity goal (huge muscles) turned into an act of self-love as those huge muscles came to relieve my aches and pains from desk work.Closing advice: Working out should be fun! Only do exercises that are fun! The more fun you have, the more you'll do it and the better you'll feel! Also invest in a good desk chair, good gym shoes, and a good mattress and pillow. These things support your body against gravity all day. Make sure they're good!!!A big muscular arm gives a thumbs up. Text: good luck!

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